Responsive ads on the search network are a good example. Overall, it's easy to see brazil phone number list if rsas are good or bad for an ad group by looking at typical kpis like conversions, cpa, and roas (or better yet, profit). But what the aggregate at the ad group level hides is what happens at the query level and in search, query is everything.I've scripted and written about how to do deeper brazil phone number list rash analysis and it can lead to some really interesting results.By combining a query report with an ad report, it is possible to see when a query triggers only an eta, only an rsa, or both.
Then it can be measured how many conversions were lost by showing multiple brazil phone number list ads, then the query can be split with only the best performing ad type. When we performed this analysis for a client, we found an instance where they kept the wrong ad for a brand query. By fixing this one error, brand query started getting significantly more brazil phone number list conversions for the same number of impressions.
Conclusion I've written at length about the future of humans in a world brazil phone number list where pp. Is increasingly automated. Being really good at experimenting is one of the things we can differentiate ourselves on. And while tools make testing faster and more measurable, knowing what to test and how to interpret the results based on the many possible nuances and quirks of brazil phone number list experiments is a very human skill and one that we should all understand as much as possible.