And voilà: you have a conversation Phone Number Database with yourself. You can then change the name of the group to, for example, 'Notes' or 'Reminders'. And of course you can adjust the group image to something that fits. Very useful for Phone Number Database storing fantasies and ideas. 4 x in the pipeline In addition to these already existing possibilities, WhatsApp is of course always developing the app. They are currently working on some nice improvements.
Personalize Last Seen You are Phone Number Database probably familiar with the 'last seen' function. This allows you to see in the chat, under the name of the person you app, what time that person was last online. This is of course not Phone Number Database desirable in all situations. For example, if you went out for an evening, not everyone needs to be able to see that you were not in your nest until 04:30. If you don't want others to see this about you, you can turn the feature off. The only bad thing is that you can no longer see what time others were online for the last time.
But now WhatsApp is (probably) coming with a new option: exclude specific contacts so they can't when you were last online. With this new option you can, for example, exclude your parents, in-laws, employer, boss, colleagues boyfriend. Useful! 2. Delete old messages Currently, you can delete messages that are up to about an hour old yourself. This is Phone Number Database especially useful for mistakes. For example, if you send a message to the wrong person. But why can't we delete older messages anymore? WhatsApp has apparently also asked itself that question, because they are (probably) working on an extension of the delete option.
Futemax Thanks for sharing your experience! I can relate to so much of what you mentioned. Looking forward to your next post.